• Do not pay with a credit card, you must use a debit card or an e-check for all payment transactions. Contact our office at 614-800-0262 x1 to make a payment over the phone or to request an invoice be emailed to you for online payment.
  • A 3% processing fee applies to all debit card payments; a 1% transaction fee applies to all e-check payments.
  • If you have not signed a fee agreement and engagement letter with our firm, you must do so before submitting a payment. If you are uncertain, please call us at 614-800-0262 x1.
  • Alternative forms of payment are cash, check or money order, which do not incur a processing fee. You may mail payments to The Nesbitt Law Firm, LLC, 6037 Frantz Road, Suite 102, Dublin, Ohio 43017. Do not mail cash. Cash payments may be dropped off Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 4:00pm.
I have read the above information and agree to proceed with an online payment according to these terms and conditions.

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    Laura M. Nesbitt

    Rated by Super Lawyers

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