Many attorneys and law firms in the Central Ohio area offer bankruptcy representation; however, once your case is complete and discharged, you may find it difficult to calculate your next steps in order to take advantage of your recently acquired fresh start. The difficulty lies in the fact that the credit reporting agencies formulate and report your credit score but do not report the formula used in the calculation of your score. Many clients have inquired about how to improve their credit score after a bankruptcy filing and how to ensure that the steps they are taking are working. The average credit repair lawyer does not care about this post-bankruptcy process. We are not the average bankruptcy firm. I am Laura Nesbitt, a local Columbus bankruptcy attorney, and I am confident that my firm and I can help you!
You may have heard some attorneys say, "You need to figure that out on your own," or "That is not part of our representation," or simply ignore your requests for additional information or assistance regarding credit concerns following bankruptcy discharge. We have even heard a bankruptcy attorney comment that ,"Repeat filers are the best because they keep me in business." This is not a philosophy that The Nesbitt Law Firm will ever embrace. We genuinely care about your financial well-being after the completion of your bankruptcy case and we are happy to offer our credit correction program to ensure that you can make the most of your fresh start. The credit repair program should not be confused with a credit score rebuilding program. Only you can rebuild your credit, but the credit correction program can ensure that you are starting at the best possible position in your fresh start by ensuring that your credit report is correctly reporting the benfits of your bankruptcy discharge. We will also provide you with tips and advice specific to credit decisions you will make after your bankruptcy filing and during the time that you are in our credit repair program.
Even if you did not hire The Nesbitt Law Firm to represent you in your bankruptcy case, you can consult us about out credit repair program if you have received a discharge and wish to improve your financial future. We are a full service debtor assistance firm and are proud to offer quality representation and trusted counsel to people seeking advice and professional guidance for their bankruptcy filing, debt settlement, or credit rebuilding concerns. If you have questions about your situation, do not hesitate to contact the Columbus bankruptcy lawyer at The Nesbitt Law Firm right away.