The Nesbitt Law Firm understands that many clients are in need of information regarding finances, their rights, and the options available to them. Knowledge is power, and you need to empower yourself to overcome your credit issues. You may be able to pay every single creditor you owe; you just do not know where to start. At The Nesbitt Law Firm, we are proud to say that we are here to help. Our financial counseling & budgeting firm is prepared to assess your entire financial situation and determine whether you are truly in a position to repay according to the terms of your credit contracts, and if so, how long that may take. Armed with this information, you will better be able to decide whether you need a budget and repayment plan designed by The Nesbitt Law Firm or whether you need to seek additional relief.
Financial counseling and budgeting options are not offered to all potential clients of the firm. Instead, you can indicate your interest in this program on our general intake form, and if you are determined to be a candidate, we can schedule you for an individual financial counseling and budgeting session before considering other, broader options for relief. If you do not qualify for this program, there is no need for concern, as each aspect of assistance that The Nesbitt Law Firm offers includes tips and strategies for budgeting your finances now and into the future. We have found that individuals who are overwhelmed with debt and in need of more complete financial relief do not benefit from the structure of the financial counseling and budgeting program because this program focuses on harnessing your current income to pay off debt. For many people, that option is unfortunately just not feasible.
If you are interested in the financial counseling and budgeting program, please contact The Nesbitt Law Firm in order to complete a general intake form. No other documentation is required. Upon the return of your completed intake form indicating your interest in the program, we will contact you to discuss your options. If you are ready to move forward with your debt and stop harassing credit calls once and for all, take hold of your financial situation and retain the assistance of a Columbus bankruptcy attorney from our team.