A frustrating reality of falling behind on payments is that creditors can legally contact your place of work and request a wage garnishment be placed against you. Wage garnishments are a way for creditors to collect their portion of your back-due payments. These conditions can be troublesome. Obviously, you did not have the money to repay the debt, and now your creditors are taking away your income. Although this time in your life may be frustrating and stressful, it is important to know that you do not have to face it alone. At The Nesbitt Law Firm, we can provide you with options to overcoming your debt and halting wage garnishments through debt reconciliation or bankruptcy.
When you work with the Columbus bankruptcy lawyer from our firm, we can actively begin to pursue a personalized strategy to help ensure that your rights are protected and that you are able to retain all of your wages. If it is determined that filing for bankruptcy will be the best option for your case, we can assist you with completing all necessary paperwork and filing the bankruptcy petition in a timely manner. When you successfully submit a bankruptcy petition, an automatic stay will be placed onto all of your accounts and all collection attempts and wage garnishments or with holdings will cease. This could help you gain control of your finances and ensure that you are working on a path toward financial freedom.
If you are ready to move forward with your case, do not hesitate to contact The Nesbitt Law Firm right away. Our firm has years of experience assisting clients, and we have successfully filed more than 500 bankruptcy cases. We understand that, when you are struggling to make ends meet, having your entire paycheck is important. Although this time in your life may be stressful, it is of the utmost importance that you work with the Columbus wage garnishment attorney from our firm right away. Contact The Nesbitt Law Firm today to schedule a free consultation!